
■2011.2.5(sat) @MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / Special Guest Live - SEQUICK(Jazzy Sport)



■2011.8.27(sat) @MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / MUSIC SHOP PICKUP 30th Anniversary Party - Special Guest DJ - MURO(King of Diggin')



■2011.11.27(sun)@MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe桃野陽介(モノブライト)弾き語りTOUR 2011「MOMONO-KOMACHI~秋の帰郷編~」


■2012.5.26(sat) @MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / SPECIAL GUEST DJ - grooveman Spot(Enbull / Tettory Bad / Tettory BLK / Jazzy Sport) / SPECIAL GUEST LIVE - Marter(Jazzy Sport)


■2013.8.25(sun)@MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / grooveman Spot "Began To Notice TOUR" - Special Guest DJ - grooveman Spot(Enbull / Tettory Bad / Tettory BLK / Jazzy Sport)


■2014.7.14(mon)@MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / Kan Sano"" Release Tour in 北海道 - Special Guest Live - Kan Sano(origami PRODUCTIONS)  , Yuge


■2014.12.8(mon)@MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / MUSIC SHOP PICKUP 33th Anniversary" Special Guest Live - Marter(Jazzy Sport)、Mahya(Jazzy Sport)


■2015.6.22(mon)@MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / 関口シンゴ "Brilliant" Release Tour in 北海道 - Special Guest Live - 関口シンゴ with Hiro-a-Key(origami PRODUCTIONS)


■2015.12.7(mon) @MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / タモリさんについて知っていることを話そう。- 出演 - ミズモトアキラ


2017/4/5(wed) @MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / Good Dek Debut Mini Album "Rurban Liner Notes" Release Tour Live / Good Dek



2017/5/13(sat)  @MUSIC SHOP PICKUP+oncafe / LIVE.Kan Sano (solo set)・yuge (from Kushiro)